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Soothie frost - Patent Formula for Mouth Pain
Soothie frost Variety Pack
Drug Free  Patented ICE POPs ~ Nutritional Oral Tissue Immune Supplement

Soothes, Protects & Relieves* Mouth Pain:

Info Video

Caring Gifts

I had a spot on my lip that I kept biting. This morning I used one of the pops
and it already feels like the spot is gone, it is only 8 am! 
This product is genius! 

- J. O.

Cancer Side Effects Mouth Sores and Mouth Pain

POP with a PURPOSE ~ Love YOU to Life

Cancer Gifts
Love YOU to Life

Created to be Dedicated to provide soothing comfort to cancer patients suffering with mouth sores and oral pain, which is a debilitating common side effect of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Inspirationally committed to improve patient’s quality-of-life, symptom burden, nutritional deficiencies and survivorship. 

~ Instant Cryo-Therapeutic Relief*   ~ Soothing Protective Repair Barrier* 
~ Reduces Duration of Pain*    ~ Promotes Long-Term Restoration*   ~ Drug Free*
~ Proven Efficacy    ~ Family Approved    ~ Women Owned    ~ USA Made 

Soothie frost

Inspiration Product Origin Story ~ Facebook "Share" Post

   "As some of you may know, several years ago my 3 year old granddaughter was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma cancer. One of the side effects of her chemo treatment caused mouth sores so severe that she could not talk let alone drink or eat. It was very scary and upsetting. One of my good friends, was so moved by my granddaughter’s suffering she decided to find something to help mouth sores.
~ Through her tenacious research, testing, talking to experts, etc... my friend invented Soothie frost patented formula! If you or any of your loved ones have any kind of mouth sore, please take a minute to read all of the testimonials>. I personally have used Soothie frost on my mouth sore and it stopped the pain and healed it in one use.
    The world needs more compassionate, caring people like the creator of this product. I will be forever thankful to her. BTW - My granddaughter is now a thriving, vibrant and very active happy little girl enjoying elementary school. She is doing great!"   ~ Grandma  J 's  FB Update Post

Childhood Cancer Product Origin Story
Soothie frost Love YOU to Life
Patent Formula

The National Cancer Institute defines SYNERGISTIC as:
In medicine, describes the interaction of two or more drugs when their combined effect is greater than the sum of effects seen when each drug is given alone.  
National Library of Medicine (NLM) - Oral Mucositis (Stomatitis) Clinical Data: 
The Oral Cancer Foundation states mucositis is the most common, debilitating complication of cancer treatments.

The National Library of Medicine reports patient statistics with OM side effects: 
= 40% Chemotherapy and 80% Radiation

Causing: Agonizing Mouth Pain; Nutritional Deficiencies; Increased Antibiotic/Opioid Usage; Suspension of Treatments; Costly Supportive Care; Caretakers Well-Being; Detrimental Economic Burden and Increased Death Rate

What is the definition of  SYNERGISTICALLY Formulated? 

Did You Know?   Patients are advised to eat ice chips for “cryotherapy” benefits during treatments, which is frozen water with no nutritional value. Proven to show effective results, Be  Learn Mores ~ Be Sore Savvy! 

PURPOSELY FORMULATED:  Soothie frost = Innovative Supportive Care Technology

National Center for Biotechnology Information  Evidence> Research the NCBI Ingredient Links (by Article Numbers) Below 
Synergistic Formulated: Every ingredient in Soothie frost has independently been merited oral immunity efficacy. Learn More!

- What is Supportive Care Technology?  Learn More. Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer

Patented Oral Immune Formula
a POP with a PURPOSE - Drug free Mouth Pain Remedy

- Boosts Collagen Growth & Tissue Repair*
- Essential Protein for Oral Health & Wound Care*



- Fuel Source for Brain & Immune System*
- Critical Protein for Muscle Health & Digestive Tract*




- Non-Acidic Antioxidant C+ Fortified with Calcium*
- Gentle on Stomach, Supports Bones, Skin
& Gums*



What are the Benefits of Calcium Ascorbate Compared to Vitamin C:


- Supports Brain, Heart & Coping with Stress*
- Benefits Nervous
& Immune Systems*




- Immune Boosting Synergistic Formulation*
- Delivered in Low Glycemic/Low Calorie Sweetener A
dvancing Dental Health* 




Vegan Healthy Protein Pop
Water-Soluable & Drug Free Formula
Soothie frost is a Nonpharmacologic, Water-Soluble Patented Formula ~ 
What is the Meaning of Water-Soluble Ingredients?
Water Soluble Ingredients for Mouth Pain Supplement

This means all the ingredients dissolve in water when ingested, then enter the blood stream. The body keeps what it needs at the time, and the excess amounts are excreted in the urine.  Since they can’t be stored, everybody needs a continuous supply of water soluble vitamins in order to stay healthy. 

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Medical Links to Learn More:
- National Library of Medicine - Water Soluble vs. Fat Soluble>
National Cancer Institute - Definition of Water Soluble>

- National Cancer Institute - Definition of Nonpharmacologic>

L-Lysine, L-Glutamine, B6, Calcium Ascorbate & Xylitol are all Water-Soluble: 

Give Comfort Gift
Cancer Gifts Give the Gift of Comfort
Benefits ~ POP with a Purpose
Mouth Pain Relief
Are you Suffering with Pain?   Nourish Your Mouth Health!
Oral Tissue Relief Benefits
Mouth and Throat Pain Relieg

- Supports Brain, Muscular & Nervous Systems*
- Promotes Collagen Growth, Wound & Tissue Repair*
- Boosts Oral Health: Gums, Teeth, Bones & Skin*
- Maintains Digestive Tract Health*
- Gentle on Stomach*
- Improves Heart Health & Coping with Stress*

- Instant Beneficial Cyro-Therapeutic Relief*
- Accelerated Absorption to Expedite Nourishment to Damaged Tissue*
- Coats Pain with a Soothing Protective Barrier*
- Minimizes Duration of Sores while Alleviating Pain*
- Promotes Immediate Restoration & Long-Term Regeneration of Oral Health*

Multi Action Mouth Pain Relief
Multi Action Mouth Pain and Mouth Sore Relief
Natural Mouth Pain Relief Supplement

- Multipurpose Mouth Pain Applications: Soothe, Replenish and Protect Mouth Immunity Defense*
- Fortified with Specific Amino Acid Proteins: Targeted to Promote Oral Health & Digestive Tract*
- Balanced with Non-acidic Antioxidant Vitamins: Promoting Strong Bones, Gums, Skin, Mood & Heart Health*
- Natural Flavor Base of Xylitol: a Dental Approved, Sugar Free, Low Glycemic/Low Calorie Sweetener*  
- Refreshingly Tasty  Essential Nutrition that is Easy to Swallow unlike Supplemental Pills or Tablets*        
- Vegan & Keto Healthy
- Free of: Dairy, Drugs, Dye, Gluten, Herbs, Numbing Agents, Nut & Soy 

Proven Efficacy ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐    Family Approved  ✅   Women Owned 💟     USA Made🇺🇸      Order Soothing Sore Relief 😋  

POP with a PURPOSE: 
Soothie frost - Give the Gift of Comfort
Be Sweet Share the Treat that Treats
Directions to Use ~ Love YOU to Life
Interior Sore Directions & Exterior Sore Directions:  Multipurpose Mouth Pain Relief 
Directions Soothiefrost POPs
How to Use Natural Ice Pop Supplement
Soothie frost
Mouth Pain Relief Remedy
Healthy Treatment for Mouth Pain
Interior Directions

1. Freeze ICE POPs upon arrival ~ Keep ICE POPS frozen
2. Cut top off of frozen pop.
3. Squeeze the POP UP from the bottom to consume.
4. Swish over sores to numb the fiery pain & swallow.
5. Repeat process until entire pop is consumed.  
6. Consume ENTIRE ICE POP ~ for BEST relief results!*

- To accelerate results ~ Eat MULTIPLE ICE POPS during sore FLARE-UPS to expedite mouth tissue restoration*  

- At the FIRST sign of a mouth irritation or discomfort, immediately consume ENTIRE ICE POP to alleviate progression of sore formation.  Repeat process as needed to soothe pain & nourish damaged oral tissue.*

- Be Prepared ~ Stock Your Freezer with Soothing Sore Relief   
- Share the Gift of Comfort ~  #Word of Mouth


Is Your Mouth Sensitive to Cold?

If sensitive to cold temperatures, thaw ICE POP first at room temp. Then swish & swallow entire contents and consume. Do NOT Microwave. Do NOT consume plastic pop sleeve. Pops are for People ~ NOT Pets.

Soothie frost
Soothie frost Directions

1. Freeze ICE POPs upon arrival ~ Keep ICE POPS frozen  
2. Cut top off of frozen pop. Topically apply pop end directly to sore.        
3. Apply until sore is numb. Then consume that portion of the pop.       
4. Repeat process. Apply newly exposed pop end to the sore. Eat.  

5. Consume ENTIRE ICE POP ~ for BEST relief results!*


- To accelerate results ~ Eat MULTIPLE ICE POPS during sore FLARE-UPS to expedite mouth tissue restoration*  

- At the FIRST sign of a mouth irritation or discomfort, immediately consume ENTIRE ICE POP to alleviate progression of sore formation.  Repeat process as needed to soothe pain & nourish damaged oral tissue.*

- Be Prepared ~ Stock Your Freezer with Soothing Sore Relief   
- Share the Gift of Comfort ~  #Word of Mouth


Is Your Mouth Sensitive to Cold?

If sensitive to cold temperatures, thaw ICE POP first at room temp. Then swish & swallow entire contents and consume. Do NOT Microwave. Do NOT consume plastic pop sleeve. Pops are for People ~ NOT Pets.

Healthy Natural Mouth Remedy
Mouth Pain Relief Maintenance
Exterior Directions

  - At the FIRST sign of a exterior mouth irritation, bump formation or discomfort, immediately consume ENTIRE ICE POP to alleviate progression of sore formation.  Repeat process as needed to soothe pain & nourish damaged oral tissue.*

- To accelerate results ~ Eat MULTIPLE ICE POPS during sore FLARE-UPS to expedite mouth tissue restoration*

Pop with a Purpose Natural Mouth Pain Relief
Healthy Natural ICE POP Soothie frost

Free of:   Dairy, Drugs, Dye, Gluten, Herbs, Numbing Agents, Nut & Soy.   Vegan & Keto Healthy.


Healing Mouth Pain Relief

Gifted the Idea ~ PURPOSED the Mouth Pain Mission!   Be SORE Savvy - Mucositis, NIH Data>

🔍 Join the "SORE"-fari Expedition Hunt 🔍 ~ Meet SCOUT (a Fiery-Throated Hummingbird) partnering with her Best Buddy, PATIENCE (adorned in her faithful coat of many colors). #Together - Purposely Pursuing all people suffering with mouth pain to provide frosty soothing comfort to damaged oral tissue. Inspirationally committed to improve cancer patient’s quality-of-life, nutritional deficiencies and survivorship!   #WordofMouth

Patience & Patients
Cancer Ribbons - Give the Gift of Comfort

Give the Gift
of Comfort

Join the Mouth Pain Mission


Cancer Nutrition
Side Effect Support
The TeleDentists
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Kindness Conquers Org


This site is intended to promote understanding of and knowledge about general oral/mouth sore topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment.

© 2025 Soothie Corporation. All Rights Reserved  | Privacy Policy | Patented |  Family Approved.  |  Made in USA. |
Designed & Distributed by:  Soothie Corporation  Mountain Home, AR 72653 | Not for Individual Sale | 888-364-2264

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